<aside> 📎 To use this template, first duplicate by clicking on the Duplicate button on the top right. Template by Product5x. For more PRD templates, download them here.


🤷‍♀️ 5 Why(s)

<aside> 🚨 Fill in your responses in the yellow spaces in the conversation below.


🏌️‍♂️ Your CEO

Hey Ashley, let’s catch up on that cool idea you want to discuss with me…

Let’s talk over some coffee.

Why do you think this is important to solve?




💁‍♀️ You

Hello Ron! Sure…

Define the problem statement in two sentences.

Example: Average time to value i.e. adding an item into the cart is 10 minutes.

Your Response

Your Response

Your Response

Your Response

🎯 Goal

Example: Decrease time to value by 50%

👩‍🎤 User Personas

🛵 Current User Journey Flow

User Login → Dashboard → Selects a Category → Chooses a sub-category → Filters on properties → Relevant results load → Scrolls and/or Navigate across multiple pages → Finds an item to purchase

🤕 Pain Points

List down all the pain points that lead to the problem.

💡 Ideas

🔮 Hypothesis

Pick the high-ranking feature and fill in for the tags based on your use case.

<aside> 💡 We believe <user_persona_name> will pay for <feature_name> by doing <action> because <value> matters to them.
