<aside> 📎 To use this template, first duplicate by clicking on the Duplicate button on the top right. Template by Product5x. For more PRD templates, download them here.


🧘 Focus Area

As a Product Manager, what is your focus area in the company? Example: User activation in XYZ platform.

🎯 Goal

Are you tasked with any specific goals this quarter? Example: Increase user activation by 5%.

👩‍🎤 User Personas

👕 Market Size

Understanding Competition

🥊 Competitors

™️ Brand Analysis

🦸‍♀️ Your Product’s SWOT

💪 Strengths

🚪 Opportunities

🥀 Weaknesses

🛑 Threats

🎁 Feature Comparison

🎢 Basic Funnel (AAARR)

Type Metric Data
Acquisition CAC, Signups per day, Bounce rate
Activation Daily/Weekly/Monthly Active Users, Average time to value
Adoption % of paid users
Retention DAU/MAU, Customer Life Time Value
Revenue Total Revenue, Average cart value

🧑‍🎤 User Feedback

🔮 Hypothesis

Pick the high-ranking idea and fill in for the tags based on your use case.

<aside> 💡 We believe <user_persona_name> will pay for <idea_name> by doing <action> because <value> matters to them.
