For small feature improvements

<aside> 📎 To use this template, first duplicate by clicking on the Duplicate button on the top right. Template by *Product5x. For more PRD templates, download them here.*


🧩 Problem Statement

Define the problem statement in two sentences. Example: Average time to value i.e. adding an item into the cart is 10 minutes.

🎯 Goal

Example: Decrease time to value by 50%

🤕 Pain Points

List down all the pain points that lead to the problem.

💡 Idea

Fill in the tags based on your use case.

<aside> 💡 We believe <user_persona_name> will pay for <feature_name> by doing <action> because <value> matters to them.


🎨 Wireframes

🧑‍💻 Tech Requirements

List all functional requirements

To Build